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Nick Chitty

Hearing Care



                      The tinnitus acupuncture protocol



As a previous tinnitus sufferer Nick will take time to discuss your personal concerns, exploring how and when it started. He will also go through the Tinnitus Handicap Inventory (THI) this is a simple questionaire to discover the scale of the problem you are experiencing

Video otoscopy.

This allows you to see your ear canal, and ear drum on a large TV screen.This will enable us to eliminate various external factors that could be causing tinnitus such as ear wax, outer or middle ear infections or eustachian tube dysfunction.

Diagnostic Audiometry and tympanometry testing

A full hearing test is conducted using insert ear tips and a diagnostic audiometer. This allows us to check for middle ear conditions, eustachian tube dysfunction and any possible hearing loss. Where possible tinnitus scaling to discover the volume and frequency of the sound you experience .


Nick will then talk to you about the test results and advise you if he thinks that auricular acupuncture could be of benefit to you.


          NICK CHITTY

Has fulfilled the requirement of, and

admitted the right and privileges

belonging to that training and

achievement given under the Training

Board seal, to practice as a

      Nada Practitioner

zzzzzzear pic

Ask Nick about the benefits of auricular acupuncture to help


anxiety management and panic disorder

post traumatic stress syndrome

smoking cessation

ameliorating side effects from drug treatment in cancer

trauma recovery

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